Saving Tabulations

You can save the current Tabulation you are working on whenever you choose.

In the top right of the Tabulate workspace, click on the disk (Save) icon (red box):

If an item has been previously saved (that is, it already exists in the content system), clicking Save will simply commit the current changes to the database repository. If it's a first time save, or if you right-click and choose "Save As" from the drop-down menu, then the Save Dialog opens. The dialog gives you an opportunity to choose where to save the item and, if relevant, set its role access.

Save Dialog

The Save dialog appears as follows:


While saving, you can choose where to save your content in the folder structure (purple arrow above). You are presented with folders that you have WRITE access to. Once inside the folder tree, you can also access the folder navigation bar (orange arrow above) to more easily move around and add new folders to the tree on the spot (green arrow above).

My Content:

The content in this domain is private to you and can be used when you don't want to share with others.

Workgroup Content:

Group content is made READ and WRITE accessible to other users who share your security roles.

Public Content:

Public content is made accessible to all user roles DEPENDING on the role security of the folder or item. See below for more.

Click here for more details on the folder structures.

Role Security for Public content

When saving content into the public folder domain, the new content inherits the security of the parent folder by default. You can deselect 'Auto select folder roles' (red box above) if you want to manually assign roles to the item.

Click here to learn more on how to assign roles to items during save.

Metadata and Tags

Before a content item is saved it MUST be given a name (red arrow above). Optionally it can be given a description(red arrow above) as well - which will help you and others understand what the item is and details about it in the future. This is central to building out a data catalog of data and analytic assets inside Pyramid. The ability to tag all content items (blue arrow above) also helps when trying to search and categorize content.

Closing Unsaved Items

At any time, you can elect to close items without saving them to the content system. When doing so, you will be prompted with a warning dialog.

Click Discard to close the module and discard unsaved changes or click Cancel to continue working.


Users can save multiple versions of any item and then retrieve and edit those versions, independently of the current version of the item. This provides users with an effective and simple way of tracking content changes, getting access to previous iterations of specific content items without having to restore the entire repository database as a whole, and continuing the development of content without the risk of losing or deleting the originals. Click here for details on how to save and manage different versions.

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